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J.J. Roberts School of Artistic Engraving
Manassas, Virginia
phone: 703-330-0448
email : Jjrengraver@aol.com
More information about this school
(click here)
Whether you are just toying with the idea of trying your hand at engraving, have some training, or you consider yourself to be an advanced artisan or
engraver be assured that J.J. Roberts will guide and teach you to become the best you can be with his one-on-one classes.
Two days $450.00
Three days $550.00
Five days $850.00
Classes are eight hours each day
J.J.’s background includes study with known custom gun maker and engraver, Roy Vail, Warwick, NY, Anatomy Classes at The Art Student League, NYC with Mr.
Brickman, portrait painting with Joe Hing Lowe, NYC, Jewelry Engraving with Doug Richardson, Berkley Heights, NJ, awards at Greenwich Village Art Shows,
displaying his work at gun shows since 1975 in New York State, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, engraving demonstrations at local VA and Maryland
gun shows since 1981, and as a teacher since 2005. J.J. has taught students: lay-out, design, scrolls, bulino, inlays, traditional methods of hammer
& chisel-hand gravers, sharpening gravers, power assist tools, and now the latest power assist, the Lindsay PalmControl, Classic, NitroG20 & Artisan hand
pieces. J.J.
is the only teacher-engraver on the East coast teaching the PalmControl and Classic Hand Piece by Lindsay in his School of Artistic Engraving workshop,
Manassas, VA.
Manassas, Virginia is in close proximity to motels, fast food eateries, restaurants, Civil War Battlefields,
museums, Dulles Airport, and is less than one hour outside of Washington, DC.
Classes are on a one-to-one basis, and can accommodate up to three for a student group. Two days in a row are suggested for a week-end or at your
convenience. Call for more information: 703-330-0448 from 8am to 7pm eastern standard time. If the answering machine is on please leave a message
for a call back.
